As president of iKeepSafe.org, Marsali Hancock speaks nationally and internationally on digital citizenship issues (safety, security and ethics/responsibility). She is a member of Egypt's Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Internet Safety Project and the International Telecommunications Union at the United Nations. She oversees iKeepSafe’s Generation Safe™: New Media Mentor for Digital Citizenship, a new product to help schools navigate the digital environment, protect them from liability, and integrate technology into existing whole school initiatives.
The Internet Keep Safe Coalition is a broad partnership of governors and first spouses, attorneys general, public health and educational professionals, law enforcement and industry leaders working together for the health and safety of youth online. The Coalition provides innovative resources, including parent tutorials and educational materials like the Faux Paw the Techno Cat® Internet safety book series and animated films for children. iKeepSafe uses its unique partnerships to disseminate the safety resources to families worldwide, including its Generation SafeTM pilot programs launched in the United States, Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore.